Let’s face it. You don’t like to see piles of clothes stacked in a corner of your bedroom. Neither do you like moving all the heavy stuff to clean up the space. It really doesn’t matter whether you’re living in a home of 1,000 square feet or 400 square feet. 

You just need some more space in your rooms, especially the bedroom. It is not much of a difficult task to free up the space in any of the rooms of your home. You just need to use some simple tips and tricks to transform the room’s appearance. By using these tips and tricks, you can make your bedroom appear more spacious and organized:

1. Make some space for storage near the ceiling

This can be one of the best ideas to free up the heavily occupied spaces. You must’ve rarely thought about the upper portion of the room. When thinking about ways to create space in the room, you mostly focus on the floor. The upper portions of the walls are the spaces least used. 

So, the best way to utilize this space is by installing shelves in those areas. Just below the ceiling, you can create such spaces for storage. They’ll be enough to accommodate most of the stuff lying around in the room. This will certainly create extra space in your bedroom and it will appear much more organized.

2. Use a bed with drawers

Fortunately, there are many options in beds available today. They come in different sizes and have some added features that suit living in small spaces. Among such beds are the ones that have a considerable amount of storage space. 

Such spaces can be used for the clothes that are usually stacked in a corner of your bedroom. You can go for the storage beds, which provide several drawers. These drawers can be used to store your clothes, movie collection, or files lying around in the room.

3. Use ‘S’ shaped hooks to hang your pants

Jeans or pants take up much of the spaces in drawers and closets. Sometimes they’re seen on a chair or the foot of your bed, which makes the room look messy. If you simply hang ‘S’ shaped hooks on a rod in your closet, it can create some free spaces. Such hooks are available at most of the hardware stores. They can also be purchased from places where organizing materials are sold. 

You can also use shower hooks with open ends. A number of pants and jeans can be stored this way without the use of big wooden hangers. You just need to make sure that the bar used for hanging the hooks is high enough. This would ensure suspension of the full length of the pants.

4. Use creative ideas to store small things

Many of the smaller things that make your bedroom look awful can be stored using some fantastic ideas. You can use small, spacious boxes to store the chargers of gadgets like smartphones and tablets. If your kids are not showing interest in their LEGO pieces lately, you can utilize them. 

Using the right combinations of the LEGO pieces, you can hang your key rings. They can also be used creatively to store the other stuff lying unorganized on the table.

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